Monday, July 18, 2011


I feel really tired today.  I'm really hungry too.  We had a good weekend-- very relaxing, quality time together.  I didn't really like losing $200 at the casino, but whatever.  It was fun.

I had intended to wake up and exercise this morning, but instead I'm sitting here with a cup of coffee.  I've got a lot on my plate this coming week, and I figure it's fine to take another day off.  I did get up and walk on Saturday before we left, but yesterday I didn't do any exercising.  I may do it later today, or I may not.  I suppose in addition to feeling tired and hungry, I'm feeling apathetic.  I'm pretty sure it's PMS related too.  I felt bloated all weekend, and today I just feel blah. 

The good news is the scale was kind to me this morning-- 257.4.  Surprising, considering how I ate this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you guys had a good weekend :o)

    I'm in the PMS boat with ya this week...I hate feeling so tired for no reason! Oh, and hungry too!!
