Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I'm proud of the progress I'm making with my workouts. I'm definitely getting stronger and pushing myself more than I ever thought possible. In June, I was challenging myself to jog 60 steps without stopping. At the end of that, I was horribly winded and miserable. Today I walked a mile, then jogged two more miles without stopping. The jogging portion took about 25 minutes, and I could have done more but it was 98 degrees outside and like an idiot I started my workout at 1:30 in the afternoon. Needless to say, next time I plan to start when the sun is a little less intense!
I'm proud of the physical changes I'm seeing as well. I have collar bones and I'm almost down to one chin! I bought some jeans in a size 18 this past weekend, and wore them comfortably today.
I wonder sometimes what took me so long to start this. For years I hated exercise and lived for desserts. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me, but in all honesty I'm a little sad about how much time I wasted being fat, lazy and uncomfortable.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So my scale claims I've gained 3.2 pounds in two days. 

Yesterday I jogged 4 miles wearing ankle weights.  Maybe I've gained that much muscle?

Monday, October 10, 2011


My weight loss has definitely slowed way down.  I don't know that it's necessarily a plateau.  I'm thinking more like it's been due to a lot of stress I've had lately.  In addition to an observation at work, I had parent/teacher conferences and my mother's wedding this past weekend.
I cope with stress by eating.  I've been eating a lot of things I shouldn't.  Honestly I'm surprised I've had any loss at all, and I'll take it.  I was expecting to see a huge gain after this past weekend.  I ate and drank a lot at Mom's wedding.  I'm down a pound since last Thursday though, which puts me pretty much back to where I was two weeks ago.  I'm hoping now that the stress of these things is over, I can re-focus myself on eating better.

This data is a little depressing:
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

up and down

My weight, my attitude, my love for exercising... it's all going up and down and up and down.  I was at 236 this morning.  I'm not beating myself up because I'm sure it's a stress thing, a water retention thing, and a PMS thing.  This week at work has been insane, with an observation, conference scheduling, and a million meetings and after school obligations.  Next weekend is my mom's wedding.  My goal was to be at 235 or under for it.  I'm close, and since I'm staying in a hotel the night before the wedding, I won't have my scale with me.  I'll have no real way of knowing if I actually met that goal or not... and truthfully it doesn't matter.  I've lost a lot of weight.  I've worked really hard.  I'm proud of how my body is looking.  I'm excited about the dress I got to wear for her wedding.  If I'm 236 or even 240 on her wedding day it doesn't really matter.
I plan to go back to being more careful about what I'm eating after the wedding.  I've actually been doing a good job of making it to the gym at least three times a week to do some intense workouts.  I'm also looking forward to the weather finally getting under 100 so I can start walking the dogs in the evenings.  That will help too I'm sure.