Saturday, February 4, 2012


I'm struggling lately because I have plateaued.  I'm seeing a minimal loss lately, and even a gain sometimes.  Nothing major-- I'm just fluctuating between 221-223.  I'm sure a lot of it is water retention due to my period, or something similar, but it's frustrating when I'm used to seeing consistent loss each week.  I'm not dissatisfied though.  I'm down about 70 pounds since I started this journey in June.  That's a lot of weight!  I look better, I feel amazingly better, I'm able to shop in "regular" stores and I have so much more energy than I have in a long, long time.  Why is it then that I am disgusted with my huge flabby stomach?  It seriously sticks way out and just hangs there.  When I run, it flops around if I'm not wearing the right clothing.  I guess everyone has something they dislike about their body and that's mine?  I don't know.  I just wish I could be completely satisfied with my body for once.
In other news, I'm quickly shaving time off my mile time.  Yesterday I was under 11 minutes.  Still waaaaaay slow by most peoples' standards, and I'm no way ready for a marathon or even a half marathon, but it's an accomplishment for me... especially when you consider I remember huffing and puffing my way through a 15 minute mile jog.

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