I feel strange without the scale. It's strangely liberating and strangely scary at the same time. My eating wasn't the best this past weekend, but it wasn't horrid either. Despite the fact that I ate a lot of bad stuff, I didn't waaaaay overdo it like I would have in the past. I'm also exercising regularly, as in riding my bike at least 3 times per week and going to the gym at least 3 times per week. I figure if I can clock 6 good workouts per week, I'm doing great!
I'm going to leave the scale in the spare room for awhile. I'm much more relaxed without it.
i tell myself I'd like to do without the scale as well. I dont obsess over it, just the weekly weigh in but I'd like to see if I could continue to lose without it. I want to hold myself accountable for MYSELF and not just because of "weigh in" day if that makes sense... though I have yet to even try lol kudos to you!!