Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I had to get the scale out of the back room because today is Wednesday.  I'm at an even 242.  That's a 2+ lb loss for the week and puts me at 49 total pounds lost.  Um WOW!  To celebrate, I went back to the  gym again today and busted my butt!  Five minute warm up walk, followed by 20 minutes on the elliptical, followed by a 5 minute jog on the treadmill and finished off with a 5 minute walk.  YEAH me!
In other news, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at the gym and was surprised.  I'm smaller.  I don't look nearly as bloated.  I actually liked what I saw! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011


I've had my first cold of the year and it sucked!  I spent the last few days feeling miserable and overly tired.  Thankfully I'm starting to feel much better.  Because I have been sick, I haven't exercised since Wednesday.  Today is Monday.  Yeah, that's five days with doing nothing.  It makes me feel like a total slacker.  Good thing I've hidden the scale from myself because I know it's not where I want it to be either.  Tomorrow I plan to get back to the gym to work on my walking/running.  Wednesday I was able to do 7 minute jog intervals with 2 minute walks in between.  I logged over 2 miles in 30 minutes, which is really good for me... especially considering that three months ago, I could barely even walk across Wal-Mart without feeling winded. 
Nothing much else to report.  Still trying to eat better, ready to get back to exercising, still keeping the scale in the spare room. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I caved

It's Wednesday.  I got on the scale.  I figure once a week is much better than multiple times a day, right?  Two pound loss this week, despite all the crap I ate.  Go me!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I continue!

I feel strange without the scale.  It's strangely liberating and strangely scary at the same time.  My eating wasn't the best this past weekend, but it wasn't horrid either.  Despite the fact that I ate a lot of bad stuff, I didn't  waaaaay overdo it like I would have in the past.  I'm also exercising regularly, as in riding my bike at least 3 times per week and going to the gym at least 3 times per week.  I figure if I can clock 6 good workouts per week, I'm doing great! 
I'm going to leave the scale in the spare room for awhile.  I'm much more relaxed without it.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A new outlook

After talking to a friend today, I realize how unhealthy my obsession with the scale has become.  I weigh myself a minimum of three times a day, no kidding.  It's all well and good to have an idea of how much you weigh, but checking three times a day?  That's just borderline obsessive.

I'm moving the scale from my bathroom to the spare bedroom, where it can live with the pile of pants that are too big.  I will bring it out every so often to check in.  I haven't decided just how often that will be yet, but the important thing is I'm not going to continue to obsess about my weight.

I've made some AMAZING changes in the last three months.  I've drastically cut the amount of sugar I consume, and I've started to exercise and enjoy exercising!  These are healthy choices that will eventually result in my reaching a more healthy weight for my frame.  Until then, I need to slow down and relish in the positivity of the choices I am making, rather than stress and fret about the number on the scale.  So that's that.  :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday weigh in

A loss is a loss!

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Monday, August 15, 2011

3 pounds?

How does one gain three pounds in one day?

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to figure out.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have started weighing and tracking my weight every single day.  It's a bit exhausting sometimes, but it gives me good data to look at when I'm feeling not so good about something I've eaten or done.  I realized this morning, as I stared at the data, that I have lost a lot of weight!  Like 40+ lbs!  It's weird because I still see a fat girl staring back at me in the mirror.  I can see a change in my face; it's definitely slimmer.  My stomach, not so much.  I know it will get there, and I just have to be patient.  It's frustrating though, because I know I'm smaller than I was when I started this the last week of May.  My size 26's were tight then.  My 22's are loose now.  Beyond sizes and shapes, I see the biggest difference in my attitude and energy level.  I wake up ready to go, instead of dragging and in desperate need of coffee.  I exercise at least five times a week, many times twice a day.  I eat so much better.  I take vitamins every day without fail.  I need to remind myself this is a process of change, and it takes time.  You don't just decide one day you want to lose weight, wake up the next day and it's gone. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


There are 34 students on my roster.  Yes, 34.  We had meet the teacher night yesterday and 23 of them showed.  That's the most I've ever had show up.  I won't know what my exact numbers  are until tomorrow, since that's the first day of school!  In the meanwhile, I have to sequester 10 more desks and find space for them in my classroom.  Yes, last year I only had 24 kids, so I only have 24 desks in my room.  Fingers crossed something gives and my number stays under 30 this year.  WHEW!

In other news, the cat woke me up at 4:30 this morning.  I could have gone back to sleep, but I hauled my booty out of bed and went for a bike ride.  My everything is still sore from doing circuit training on Saturday.  I was tempted not to do anything today, but I figured I'd better.  Go me.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I may be plateauing.
It's all good.  I knew it would happen.  I'm focusing on incorporating more exercise and less of an emphasis on watching every.single.thing that goes into my mouth.  I joined a gym that's on my way home.  I stopped in on Friday and did circuit training and some free weight work.  I've been waking up well before the sun is even up to get in a 45 minute bike ride.  I feel amazing.  It's hard to not let what the scale is saying be frustrating.  I've got to focus on how I feel and the changes I've made, though.  Four months ago if you would have told me I'd be working out regularly and not craving cake all day, I would have laughed at you.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

An update

Dear goodness this is a busy time of year!  I'm loving being back at work.... seeing everyone, having the routine, the excitement!  It's wonderful!
On the weight loss front I'm doing alright too.  I've been waking up SUPER early to ride my bike before going in, and it feels amazing!  I also joined a gym that I pass on my way home, so I'll have no excuses!  I'm going in to work tomorrow to do some prep and room clean up, and I plan to stop by in the afternoon on my way home. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday weigh in

Out of the 250's!!!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I didn't think I could do it, but I did!
I rolled my butt out of bed at 5 AM today and rode my bike for 45 minutes!  It equates to about five miles!
I feel really good about this, and now I have a full day of work ahead of me.  We'll see how that goes.